Set up BRL-CAD for continuous integration within JenkinsBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 72 hrs Mentors: SeanTags: continuous integration, jenkins, website

Another GCI task installed and set up the Jenkins continuous integration system for us to use. That's a system for compiling software over and over to detect quickly when changes are introduced that break either compilation or run-time behavior.

This task involves continuing that work and getting BRL-CAD properly set up within Jenkins.  The details are outlined here:

The previous GCI task is here:

Since this task requires access to one of our production servers, you MUST be comfortable using a command-line (BSD/Linux/UNIX) and working on a server remotely via SSH.  Join IRC and contact 'brlcad' to get an account established for working on this task.

You should also be familiar with:


You'll keep a log of everything you do and submit that here for the task in addition to setting up the various jobs within Jenkins.

Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted 10 2013 12:05 UTC
jenkins.txt3.7 KBJanuary 10 2013 12:05 UTC
jenkins.txt3.7 KBJanuary 10 2013 12:11 UTC
background.txt630 bytesJanuary 10 2013 15:16 UTC
jenkins-updated.txt4.3 KBJanuary 11 2013 15:33 UTC
Silvrouson January 5 2013 17:28 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Harmanpreet Singh on January 5 2013 17:33 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Silvrous. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Silvrouson January 8 2013 12:00 UTCClaim Removed

The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.

Silvrouson January 8 2013 12:01 UTCsorry

I didn't, and still don't have time to work on the task.

Skriptkidon January 10 2013 03:36 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Sean on January 10 2013 05:41 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Skriptkid. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Skriptkidon January 10 2013 09:54 UTCJenkins unavailable? gives me nothing. Has Jenkins been moved? Or does it require re-installation?

Skriptkidon January 10 2013 10:29 UTCAvailable

It had been shutdown. It's running now

Skriptkidon January 10 2013 12:06 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Skriptkidon January 10 2013 12:10 UTCCurrently not running

Currently, Jenkins is not running, because it starts up in the command-line as an application and not a background service. You can start it by following the instructions in my notes. The file "Jenkins.war" is in my public_html directory.("gciskriptkid/public_html") 

Also, build fails due to errors with a certain file. The report is available on Jenkins.

Skriptkidon January 10 2013 12:14 UTCShutting down

One thing I forgot to mention in the otes - shutting it down. Just go to to shut down.(When it is running, of course. It's shut down now.)

Skriptkidon January 10 2013 18:43 UTCUpdate

Here's the catch on the background workaround. When it is being run in the background, it cannot connect to any executor(which is the component that does the build process, like Builders in Buildbot.)

Sean on January 10 2013 20:14 UTCjenkins installed

Jenkins is now properly installed via the FreeBSD Ports system, is enabled as a system service, and is running.  Can you take it from there to get the rest set up?  What do you need?

Sean on January 10 2013 20:14 UTCport

By the way, it's running on port 8180.

Sean on January 10 2013 20:14 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Skriptkidon January 11 2013 02:50 UTCNot running!

It's not running. Port 8180 gives me nothing.

Skriptkidon January 11 2013 03:38 UTCCan carry on

I'll need username/password combo if security is enabled. If it's not, I'll set it up. Also, read/write permissions may be required by Jenkins in the directory it's installed in, since it creates a workspace in it's root directory to download and build the source. Apart from that, I'll need nothing else.

Sean on January 11 2013 05:22 UTCit's running

It is running, just not accessible from outside of localhost (crit).  You may need to look up "jenkins on freebsd" or some similar search to see how it's configured by default (and how to open up the configuration to external access).  Your guess is as good as mine, I'd have to look it up too.

If you need something changed or run or permissions changed so you can access it, let me know.

Skriptkidon January 11 2013 11:42 UTCNeeds restart

brlcad, It needs to be configured before starting to listen on a particular address. While starting up, add the command line parameter "--httpListenAddress=$HTTP_HOST" $HTTP_HOST is now probably The IP adress should be set to the IP addr of

Skriptkidon January 11 2013 16:00 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on January 11 2013 16:02 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.