--------------------------------- Buildbot Mac Slave --------------------------------- 1. Steps Taken(On the slave host machine, i.e, my computer): i) Installed buildbot and buildbot-slave on my system. ii) Created new slave using 'buildslave create-slave' command with the below mentioned attributes. iii) Downloaded and installed XQuartz.(Highly essential. Default X11 server won't do. Cmake will complain.) 2. Name of slave : "mac-slave" Name of slave's builder : "mac-tester" Password : "Bcmacslave!" Listening port: 8090 3. Changes made to master.cfg(master configuration file on the brlcad server): i) Appended slave name, password to the list in section "BUILDLSAVES" ii) Appended slave name, builder name('mac-tester') to the builders list in section "BUILDERS" iii) Appended builder name to the schedulers list in "SCHEDULERS" 4. No new scripts were written Note: The name 'erikgreenwald' pops up in blamelist and build request list.(I'm guessing it's ''Erik.) I have no idea about this. So didn't modify anything related to this.