BRL-CAD provides a couple dozen distinct primitives. Each primitive is defined by a set of parameters. We'd like to have each primitive modeled with diagramming arrows and labels.
This task involves creating a torus and modeling the corresponding arrows/segments for all parameters. Scalars should be dashed lines, vectors should be arrows. Here's an example:
Make something like that for the torus, but with different material properties. That example put objects into a box for a particular visual effect. See if you can get a better effect without the exterior box (you'll have to change shader properties).
Submit your .g file and a ray traced rendering/diagram of the model. This command run within mged may help:
rt -s1024 -A0.75 -c {set ambSamples=128}
File name/URL | File size | Date submitted | |
Torus.g | 3.1 KB | December 14 2012 15:07 UTC | |
TORUS.PNG | 392.4 KB | December 14 2012 15:10 UTC | |
Torus1.PNG | 417.7 KB | December 14 2012 17:25 UTC | |
Torus1.g | 8.5 KB | December 14 2012 17:25 UTC | |
Torus2.PNG | 183.4 KB | December 15 2012 09:50 UTC | |
new.g | 14.6 KB | December 15 2012 09:50 UTC | |
New.PNG | 148.8 KB | December 15 2012 10:06 UTC | |
Latest.PNG | 428.2 KB | December 16 2012 06:11 UTC | |
Latest.g | 14.6 KB | December 16 2012 06:12 UTC |
I would like to work on this task.
This task has been assigned to Sharan. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
I am unable to undestand the parameters.
When i edit it shows radius1 and radius2.
which one of V, I, H, O a scalar or a vector unit
The 'l' command may be of some assistance. One radius is for the side of the donut. The other is for the thickness of the donut. And now, I'm hungry.
The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
So the glass render looks great on the black background, but the annotations are wrong.
That primitive doesn't offer much help when you edit it since the labels it provides are not the parameters used for creating it. The V, I, H, and O it shows are for the center point, vector to inner diameter, vector for the orthogonal "height" aka normal vector, and vector to the outer diameter respectively. However, only some of those are values you use when creating it.
If you run the "in" command, it will interactively prompt you for values. Give that a try. The values you provide are the ones that minimally need to be diagramed:
mged in
Enter name of solid: tor
Enter solid type: tor
Enter X, Y, Z of vertex: 0 0 0
Enter X, Y, Z of normal vector: 0 0 1
Enter radius 1: 30
Enter radius 2: 10
From there, you can see what that results when you edit the 'tor' object or when you run the 'l' command to see how it derived other values. The ones to be diagrammed are at least the ones provided for creation and the other derived ones if they help the diagram.
In your picture, you show V, which should be a sphere to be consistent with your other diagrams as it's a point. The "I" inner vector is derived, but you have it pointing the wrong way. Since you need to show radius 1 (r1), it'd probably make more sense to model it as a dashed line since it's a scalar value (30 in my example). You could then diagram the I separately as a vector going in a different direction. Similarly, it would be better to put the H vector at V so you can still diagram r2 as the inner radius of the torus "tube".
One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
Can you tell me the time you are online . so that i could directly check if its reviewed or not for my future tasks. tell the gmt also.
Sharon, it's best if you log on IRC and ask questions whenever you encounter issues. As for the review part, there isn't a fixed time when mentors review student submissions and it's not only brlcad that can review your work. Also, I believe you can get an e-mail notification when your task has been reviewed or when it has received a comment. We will get back to you as soon as possible!
Sharan, yes, ditto what Andrei said. It's generally considered impolite to use IRC the way you've been using it. It's a common new-to-IRC misunderstanding so you don't need to feel bad, but please to read as there are specific etiquette rules expected.
If you ask a question, you are supposed to wait for an answer. Leaving before receiving an answer (which may take seconds or hours) is like walking into a room, farting, and leaving. ;)
I'm online 24/7 but I obviously don't just sit there waiting to answer your questions. If you can't wait, then that's not the place to be asking questions. It is still the fastest way to get a question answered, but you have to ask your questions publicly and wait for a response.
I suggest learning how to use screen+irssi so that you can remain on IRC for more extended periods of time. It's awesome and is one of the most common ways to interact with open source communities.
As for the diagram, it's better but still not right. The I and O *are* vectors to the inner and outer edge of the torus. Drawing those is fine, but they should be a solid arrow vector from V to the inner and outer edge respectively. You still need to draw r1 and r2, which are dashed lines with one going from V to the center of the ring and the other going from the center of the ring to the outside or inside edge (it's a radius, not a diameter).
So with the height vector, that's five segments. A sphere at V, r1 begin, r1 end, r2 begin, and r2 end. Arrows at H end, I end, and O end. Make sense?
One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
I hope this is the perfect thing you were talking about :-9
Now that's a lot closer, just a few problems:
Maybe make the I/O vectors go left or right. Then you could make r1 go the opposite direction (since it's non-directional) and r2 from there.
Something like this, plus the r2 scalar and H vector like you already have.
---------o- - - -o
O I V r1
The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.
One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
Thanks for giving me such detailed information.
The extension was not that necessary.
The update took me 10 minutes.
I was new to IRC so i didn't knew the rules, Sorry for misusing it
Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
Thanks for your patience to work through all of the issues. It should help make any others go even more quickly, should you take more on (we have a couple dozen primitives).
I also always extend the time a little bit whenever we follow-up and ask for changes just as a matter of courtesy. It may take us a few hours to review, so that certainly shouldn't against your time and demand that you turn something around immediately because you maybe have other things you need to take care of first. No worries. :)
Thanks again for your efforts!
If I haven't yet asked, if you provide your full name, we'll credit you in our authorship documentation when it comes time to using your images/models.
Thanks for inculding my name in the authorship.
You really tested my patience.
My full name is Sharan Narayan.
I am from India, so GMT is a alot different. I go to school Mon-Sat. So, If my task needs more work then extension would be really helpfull.