BRL-CAD provides a couple dozen distinct primitives. Each primitive is defined by a set of parameters. We'd like to have each primitive modeled with diagramming arrows and labels.
This task involves creating an extrusion (EXTRUDE) and modeling the corresponding arrows/segments for all parameters. Scalars should be dashed lines, vectors should be arrows. Here's an example:
Make something like that for the EXTRUDE, but with different material properties. That example put objects into a box for a particular visual effect. See if you can get a better effect without the exterior box (you'll have to change shader properties). Note that you'll need a sketch to extrude, which can be imported from dxf, created manually with our sketch editor, or
Submit your .g file and a ray traced rendering/diagram of the model. This command run within mged may help:
rt -s1024 -A0.75 -c {set ambSamples=128}
File name/URL | File size | Date submitted | |
extrude.png | 107.6 KB | December 19 2012 14:50 UTC | |
Extrude.g | 11.0 KB | December 19 2012 14:51 UTC | |
New.g | 15.0 KB | December 19 2012 17:08 UTC | |
extrude.png | 224.8 KB | December 19 2012 17:08 UTC | |
New.png | 224.0 KB | December 19 2012 18:04 UTC | |
New.g | 43.0 KB | December 20 2012 10:56 UTC | |
Untitled.png | 244.8 KB | December 20 2012 11:04 UTC | |
render.jpg | 203.0 KB | December 21 2012 01:52 UTC |
I would like to work on this task.
This task has been assigned to Sharan. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
What parameters should i show.
Should i just show the H and V parameter
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I don't see A/B u/v vectors or the 2D sketch name. I suggest raytracing lines.r and shape.r like you did (after adding the A/B vectors) ... but into the graphics window if you didn't already, and then running "draw sketch2" and "erase lines.r shape.r" so that the sketch wireframe is shown below the 3D extrude -- then you can add the sketch name to the image. Make sense?
I just saw your question asking which parameters. When in doubt, you should always show the parameters that are prompted by the 'in' command. It will interactively prompt for values, and those are the ones that we're trying to help visualize (along with other derived values that you sometimes see with the "l" command, e.g., "l ext"
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What's "sketch2"? :) It should just say sketch and ideally be aligned in the same 3D plane as the sketch itself (warped in photoshop/gimp works great for that)
One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
I can change the label of the sketch.
But i dont what do you mean by ideally aligned on the same 3D plane, isn't it aligned properly right now?
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I think this is what do you mean
I mean kinda like this:
Notice how the "Top" text is "in the plane" and not just rotated?
I think it worked well how you had it at the base, or would work well a little lower like it was in the .g file. It was just a matter of adding the label.
Now with the sketch removed, I'm noticing the tip of the arrow on the H seems "noisy" -- do you know what's going on there? Also, with those shader settings, you can't see the bottom of the whole or the right top edge very well..
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Now that's the right idea. However, the sketch is either too close or not close enough. That tiny gap just raises questions. It should either be clearly separated, or right on the base like you originally had it. Try about 10% lowered? That would let you put the "sketch" label on one of the corners inside the sketch instead of outside it.
Also, the "Sketch" label is rotated slightly off-angle a couple degrees too many clockwise, so maybe you can fix that as well.
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