Crash MGED reliablyBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 48 hrs Mentors: SeanTags: find bug, reliable crash

BRL-CAD's primary geometry editing tool is called 'mged'.  What's more frustrating than software crashes?  We put a lot of emphasis on developing quality software so see if you can find a problem.

Find a way to crash mged reliably.  You must compile our latest Subversion sources, run mged, and keep track of steps taken that cause a crash.  If you can provide a stack trace, even better.  You must submit specific conditions and steps that will reliably and reproducibly cause a crash.

It must be a bug that is NOT already documented in our BUGS or Sourceforge bug tracker nor be a bu_bomb() graceful termination.  It might help to become minimally familiar with how to run mged as the interface is not at all newbie-friendly.




Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
BRL-CAD crash.mov5.9 MBDecember 05 2012 01:22 UTC
mged-710-bomb.log2.0 KBDecember 05 2012 02:29 UTC
Chris Kloehnon December 3 2012 04:08 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Sean on December 3 2012 05:18 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Chris Kloehn. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Chris Kloehnon December 4 2012 03:57 UTCQuestion

Is this the proper link to the download I need to compete this task?

Sean on December 4 2012 04:14 UTCthat works

For this task, that link will certainly work since it was the last binary release.  Since you're on Mac OS X, if you can get MGED to crash, a detailed log should be created for your automatically.  Be sure to include that along with steps that reliably reproduce the crash.


Chris Kloehnon December 4 2012 04:38 UTCThanks

Thank you, Ill get right on the quality assurance, but what would you like me to do in the case that your program doesnt crash?


Sean on December 4 2012 05:04 UTCthen you didn't try hard enough

We're not foolish enough to think that our software won't crash.  You might have to hunt for a couple hours, but finding a crash should be possible.  I get it to crash regularly just through normal use, without even trying.

That said, this task is like our spelling mistake tasks.  If you cannot get it to crash, then you'll have to release the task so someone else can try.

Chris Kloehnon December 5 2012 01:22 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on December 5 2012 02:07 UTCcrash log

This one technically qualifies as a graceful abort (the bu_bomb() that is referred to in the description), but you should send in a crash log anyways.  MGED takes a couple seconds to shut down because it's writing out a bomb log.  Find it and submit.

It'll probably either be within the application bundle.  Right click the BRL-CAD application icon, show contents, and traverse to Contents, then Resources.  There should be several files named mged-#####-bomb.log -- submit one of them..

Sean on December 5 2012 02:08 UTCDeadline extended

The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.

Chris Kloehnon December 5 2012 02:30 UTCGot what you asked for

Found the files, submited them seconds ago.  Thanks for extending deadline just in case.


Sean on December 5 2012 03:11 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Sean on January 14 2013 15:11 UTCthank you

As GCI comes to a close, we wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU for all your efforts.  This comment interface closes after GCI is over, so you're encouraged to join our mailing list where we'll be announcing contributions from GCI participants like yourelf over the upcoming months:

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