Introduction to Tcl/Tk

TraNese Christy

1. What is Tcl/Tk?

  • Tool Command Language/ToolKit.

  • Tcl is an embeddable and extensible interpreted language.

  • Tk is a toolkit for building user interfaces.

  • Combined, they provide a programming system for development and use of GUI applications.

2. Benefits of Tcl/Tk

  • Ease of providing applications with a powerful scripting language

  • An excellent "glue language"

  • User convenience

  • Portability

3. Tcl/Tk-Based GUI for MGED

Figure 1. 

4. Tcl Syntax

  • A command is a list of words.

  • First word on the command line is the command name, any additional words are arguments.

      -- command [arg1 ... argn
      mged> puts "Hello World"
      Hello World
  • Words can be grouped with double quotes (" ") or curly braces ({}).

  • Commands are terminated with a newline or semicolon.

5. Variables

  • Variable names are case-sensitive.

  • Declarations are not necessary.

  • set varName [value]

  • Assigns value to the variable varName.

      mged> set day Friday

      mged> set day

      mged> set day 25


6. Lists

  • An ordered set of strings

  • Specified with curly braces

      mged> set colors {red yellow green blue}
      red yellow green blue
  • Sometimes created with "list" command

      mged> set colors [list red yellow green blue]
      red yellow green blue
  • Can extract elements from the list using the "lindex" command (indices start at zero)

      mged> lindex {red yellow green blue} 2

7. Arrays

  • Uses associative arrays

    • -- Strings used to index the array elements

      mged> set profit(January) 1500
      mged> set profit(February) -200
    mged> set profit(January)

8. Special Characters

  • Dollar sign $

    --Substitutes the value of the variable

  • Square brackets [ ]

    -- Replaces contents with the result of evaluating the command

  • Backslash \

    -- Allows special characters such as newlines, [, and $ to be inserted without being treated specially

  • Double quotes " "

    -- Allows special characters to be processed normally

  • Curly braces {}

    -- Disables special characters

  • Parentheses ()

    -- Delimits key values in arrays

  • Hashmark #

    -- At the beginning of a line, signifies a comment to follow

9. Special Character Examples

      mged> set name Elvis
      mged> puts "Hello name"
      Hello name
     mged> puts "Hello $name"
     Hello Elvis
      mged> set len [string length $name]
  • -- string length $name returns 5

  • -- len gets the value 5

10. Special Character Examples (cont'd)

      mged> set price 1.41
      mged> puts "Gasoline: \$ $price/gallon"
      Gasoline: $1.41/gallon
      mged> puts {Gasoline: \$ $price/gallon}
      Gasoline: \$ $price/gallon
      mged> set product 1; #This is a comment

11. Special Character Conflicts

  • MGED traditional "name globbing" characters conflict with Tcl/Tk usage:

    • -- MGED follows Unix shell filename patterns.

    • -- Tcl/Tk has different interpretation of * and [].

  • Users can select which interpretation of special characters:

    • .mgedrc: set MGED variable

    • glob_compat_mode

    • set glob_compat_mode 0 (for Tcl evaluation)

    • set glob_compat_mode 1 (for object name matching)

    • Menu: File->Preferences->Special Characters

12. Special Character Interpretation

  • Special Character Interpretation

Figure 2. 

13. Expressions

  • The exprcommand is used to evaluate math expressions.

      mged> expr 2 + 2


      mged> expr (3 + 2) * 4


      mged> in ball.s sph 0 0 0 [expr 3 + 4]

-- A sphere is created with a vertex (0,0,0) and a radius of 7.

14. Control Flow

      if {test} {body1} [else {body2}]

      mged> set temp 90


      mged> if {$temp > 75} {

      puts "It's hot"

      } else {

      puts "It's moderate"


      It's hot

15.  Control Flow (cont'd)

      while {test} {body}

      mged> set time 3


      mged> while {$time > 0} {

      puts "Time is $time"

      set time [expr $time - 1]


Time is 3

Time is 2

Time is 1

16.  Control Flow (cont'd)

      for{init} {test} {reinit} {body}
      for {set time 3} {$time > 0} {set time [expr $time - 1]} {puts "Time is $time"}

Time is 3

Time is 2

Time is 1

17. Control Flow (cont'd)

      varList list{body}
      foreach fruit {apples pears peaches} {
      puts "I like $fruit"}

I like apples

I like pears

I like peaches

      foreach {key val} {sky blue grass green snow white} {
      puts "The $key is $val"

The sky is blue

The grass is green

The snow is white

18. MGED Commands

     Returns a list of the object's attributes. If attr is specified,
      only the value for that attribute is returned.
      get foo.r
      comb region yes id 200 los 100 GIFTmater 2 rgb {100 100 100}
      get foo.r rgb
      100 100 100
      get foo.s
      ell V {0 0 0} A {4 0 0} B {0 4 0} C {0 0 4}

19. MGED Commands (cont'd)

  • adjust obj attr value[attr value]

    • Modifies the object's attribute(s) by adjusting the value of the attribute(s) to the new value(s).

  • ls[-c -r -s]

    • Without any options, lists every object in the database.

    • With the "c" option, lists all nonhidden combinations; "r" option lists all nonhidden regions; and "s" option lists all nonhidden primitives.

20.  MGED Examples

  • Task: Change the color of all regions to blue.

      foreach region [ls -r] {
      adjust $region rgb {0 0 255}
  • Task: Print all regions with nonzero air codes.

Task: Print all regions with nonzero air codes.

      foreach reg [ls -r] {
      if {[get $reg air] != 0} {
      puts "$reg"

21.  MGED Examples (cont'd)

  • Task: Print all objects with the inherit flag set.

      mged> foreach obj [ls -c] {
      if {[get $obj inherit] == "yes"} {
      puts "$obj"

22.  Procedures

  • User-Defined commands

  • proc

      procName{args} {body}
      proc add {x y} {
      set answer [expr $x + $y]
      return $answer
      mged>add 123 456
  • Create new MGED commands

  • Save in .mgedrc

23.  Procedure Example

  • Procedure that generates a PART that encompasses two specified SPHs

    proc sph-part {sph1 sph2 newname} {
    foreach {vx1 vy1 vz1} [lindex [get $sph1 V] 0] {}
    foreach {vx2 vy2 vz2} [lindex [get $sph2 V] 0] {}
    foreach {ax1 ay1 az1} [lindex [get $sph1 A] 0] {}
    foreach {ax2 ay2 az2} [lindex [get $sph2 A] 0] {}
    set radius1 [expr sqrt($ax1*$ax1 + $ay1*$ay1 + $az1*$az1)]
    set radius2 [expr sqrt($ax2*$ax2 + $ay2*$ay2 + $az2*$az2)]
    set hx [expr $vx2-$vx1]
    set hy [expr $vy2-$vy1]
    set hz [expr $vz2-$vz1]
    in $newname part $vx1 $vy1 $vz1 $hx $hy $hz $radius1 $radius2

24. Procedure Example (cont'd)

sph-part s1.s s2.s part.s

Figure 3. 

Figure 4. 

25.  The "source" Command

  • source fileName

    • Reads and executes the file as a Tcl script.

  • Create the file with a text editor.

  • Reload the file with "source" changes are made.

  • The proc or the source command can be placed in .mgedrc.

26.  MGED Defaults

  • Create the default .mgedrc from inside MGED:

Figure 5. 

27.  MGED Customization

  • Placed in the file


In local directory or home

############### MGEDRC_HEADER ###############

# You can modify the values below. However, if you want

# to add new lines, add them above the MGEDRC_HEADER.

# Note - it's not a good idea to set the same variables

# above the MGEDRC_HEADER that are set below (i.e., the last

# value set wins).

# Determines the maximum number of lines of

# output displayed in the command window

set mged_default(max_text_lines) 1000

28. [incr Tcl/Tk]

  • Object-oriented extension to Tcl.

  • Provides support to build large programs.

  • New applications in BRL-CAD are being written in [incr Tcl/Tk].

29. Useful References

  • Raines, Paul. Tcl/Tk Pocket Reference. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 1998.

  • Ousterhout, John K. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994.

  • Welch, Brent B. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, Second Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997.