BRL-CAD Overview

What Is BRL-CAD?

The BRL-CAD Package is a powerful Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) based solid modeling system. BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, a ray tracing library, two ray-tracing based lighting models, a generic framebuffer library, a network-distributed image-processing and signal-processing capability, and a large collection of related tools and utilities. The software has been undergoing continuous development since 1979.

BRL-CAD supports a great variety of geometric representations, including an extensive set of traditional CSG primitive solids such as blocks, cones and torii, solids made from closed collections of Uniform B-Spline Surfaces as well as Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) Surfaces, purely faceted geometry, and n-Manifold Geometry (NMG). All geometric objects may be combined using boolean set-theoretic operations such as union, intersection, and subtraction.

Material properties and other attribute properties can be associated with geometry objects. This combining of material properties with geometry is a critical part of the link to applications codes. BRL-CAD supports a rich object-oriented set of extensible interfaces by means of which geometry and attribute data are passed to applications.

BRL-CAD is used at over 800 sites located throughout the world. It is provided in source code form only, and totals more than 280,000 lines of "C" code.

A few of the applications linked to BRL-CAD include:

System Requirements

BRL-CAD requires the UNIX(tm) operating system. It has been ported to more than a dozen product lines from workstations to supercomputers, including:

Porting to other UNIX systems is very easy, and generally requires only one or two man-days of effort.

Some users report being able to build the package under VAX/VMS(tm) with some expenditure of effort.