
whichid — Reports information relating to usage of the region_id property on regions.


whichid [options ...] {ident[-ident]...}


Reports information about the usage of the region_id property by regions in a .g file. Its default mode is to report which regions in a .g file are using one or a range of region_id values. If a root object is specified, it will report that result only for the regions in the tree of the root object. If the U is specified, the reporting is inverted and the command will report the ranges of unused ids rather than the regions using various ids.



Report unused id ranges.

--root objname

Limit reporting to regions in the CSG tree below objname.


For these examples the geometry file used is the standard ktank.g included with BRL-CAD.

Example 1. Report all regions using region ids between 4000 and 7000.

mged>whichid 4000-7000

Region[s] with ident 4001:



Region[s] with ident 4050:



Region[s] with ident 6001:


Region[s] with ident 6002:



Example 2. Report all regions using region ids between 1000-2000 and 4000-5000.

mged>whichid 1000-2000 4000-5000

Region[s] with ident 1010:


Region[s] with ident 1011:


Region[s] with ident 4001:



Region[s] with ident 4050:




Example 3. Report all regions using region ids between 1000-2000 and 4000-5000, limiting results to regions in the tank geomtry tree.

mged>whichid --root tank 1000-2000 4000-5000

Region[s] with ident 4001:



Region[s] with ident 4050:




Example 4. Report all unused region_id ranges in the database between 1 and 1000.

mged>whichid -U 1-1000

Unused idents:





















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