Gets/sets view parameters (local units). The view command accepts the following subcommands:
center [x y z]--get/set the view center of the current view.
size [val]--get/set the view size of the current view.
eye [x y z]--get/set the eye point of the current view.
ypr [y p r]--get/set the yaw, pitch, and roll of the current view.
quat[v1 v2 v3 v4]--get/set the view in the form of a quaternion.
aet[a e t]--get/set the azimuth, elevation, and twist of the current view.
The two examples show the use of the view command with the subcommand center.
Example 2. Set the view center at the origin of model space.
view center 0 0 0
Sets the view center at the origin of model space.
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