
rotobj — Rotates the currently edited object by z angle degrees about the z direction, y angle degrees about the y direction, and x angle degrees about the x direction in that order.


rotobj [-i] [x-angle] [y-angle] [z-angle]


Rotates the currently edited object by z angle degrees about the z direction, y angle degrees about the y direction, and x angle degrees about the x direction in that order. If an -i option is included, then the rotations are treated as increments to the previous rotations. MGED must be in the matrix edit mode for this command to be useful. The p command provides a similar capability for primitive editing.


The example shows the use of the rotobj command to rotate the currently edited object by a given number of degrees in the x, y, and z directions.

Example 1. Rotate the current object by a specified number of degrees in the x, y, and z directions.

mged>rotobj 0 0 25

Rotates the currently edited object by 25° about the z direction from the original orientation.




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