
make — Creates a new_shape of the indicated type.


make [-t] [new_shape type]


Creates a new_shape of the indicated type. The new_shape is sized according to the current view size and is dependent on the type. The possible values for type are:

  • arb8 -- ARB (eight vertices)

  • arb7 -- ARB (seven vertices).

  • arb 6 -- ARB (six vertices).

  • arb 5 -- ARB (five vertices).

  • arb 4 -- ARB (four vertices).

  • bot -- Bag of Triangles.

  • sph -- Ellipsoid (sphere).

  • ell -- Ellipsoid (ellipsoid of revolution).

  • ellg -- Ellipsoid (general ellipsoid).

  • tor -- Torus.

  • tgc -- Truncated General Cone (most general TGC).

  • tec -- Truncated General Cone (truncated elliptical cone).

  • rec -- Truncated General Cone (right elliptical cylinder).

  • trc -- Truncated General Cone (truncated right circular cone).

  • rcc -- Truncated General Cone (right circular cylinder).

  • half -- Half Space.

  • rpc -- Right Parabolic Cylinder.

  • rhc -- Right Hyperbolic Cylinder.

  • epa -- Elliptical Paraboloid.

  • ehy -- Elliptical Hyperboloid.

  • eto -- Elliptical Torus.

  • part -- Particle.

  • nmg -- Non-Manifold Geometry (an NMG consisting of a single vertex is built).

  • pipe -- Pipe (run of connected pipe or wire).

  • grip -- Support for joints.

  • extrude -- Experimental.

  • sketch -- Experimental.


The first example shows the use of the make command to create a sphere with a specified name. The second example shows the use of the make command with the -t argument to generate a list of shape types handled by make.

Example 1. Create a sphere having a specified name.

mged> make shapea sph

Creates a sphere named shapea.

Example 2. Generate a list of shape types handled by make.

mged>make -t

Lists the shape types handled by make.




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