
lint — Detect and report problems with subsets or all of a .g database.


lint [-h] [-C] [-M] [-I] [-F "filters"] [ObjectName]


The 'lint' command analyzes the currently open geometry database (or a subset of that database if object names are supplied as arguments) and searches for a variety of problems know to sometimes occur. By default all defect types are searched for - if one or more of the options enabling a search for a specific type of problem are supplied, only those searches will be performed.



Print help message.

-C, --cyclic

Check for full paths that are cyclic - i.e. a situation where a high level object incorporates in its definition tree a reference to itself. Such definitions are always considered invalid, and are sometimes problematic for tools working with geometry hierarchy.

-M, --missing

Check for references to objects or files that are missing (not present in the database or on the file system.) Primarily this is a check for comb objects referring to missing objects, but it will also check for and report invalid object and file references in extrude and dsp primitives.

-I, --invalid

Check for shapes in the database that do not satisfy one or more properties required for them to be valid definitions, where correcting the problem requires a change to the object's definition. (As of this writing the only implemented check is for BoT object solidity, but many more are possible and planned.) (Objects invalid due to missing objects are potentially valid without the necessity of changing the object's own definition - e.g. the missing object/file can be added. That category of error can be searched for with the -M check.)

-F, --filter

Apply search command style filters to the set of objects to be tested. Allows, (for example) a user to test only brep objects and not bot objects or only objects matching a particular name pattern. Does not impact the checks for missing or cylic geometry - the underlying search mechanism assumes inputs do not have those particular categories of problem and thus can't be reliably applied in those cases.


Example 1. Examine entire database for all defect categories

mged> lint

Checking for cyclic paths...

Checking for references to non-extant objects...

Checking for invalid objects...

Found cyclic paths:



Found references to missing objects:





Found invalid objects:[bot] failed solidity test, but BoT type is RT_BOT_SOLID


Example 2. Check the validity of a single geometry object

mged> lint -I

Checking for invalid objects...

Found invalid objects:[bot] failed solidity test, but BoT type is RT_BOT_SOLID


Example 3. Examine all non-BoT objects in the database matching the name pattern "*_1.*" for invalidity

mged> lint -F "! -type bot -name *_1.*"

Checking for invalid objects...

Found invalid objects:

  Brep_1.s[brep] failed OpenNURBS validity test

brep.m_L[27] loop is not valid.

end of brep.m_T[loop.m_ti[5]=147]=(0,-1.309) and start 

of brep.m_T[loop.m_ti[6]=148]=(0,-5.63995e-08) do not match.

brep.m_F[25] face is not valid.

brep.m_L[face.m_li[0]=27] is not valid.

ON_Brep.m_F[25] is invalid.





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