
attach — Opens a display window.


attach [-d display_string] [-i init_script] [-n name] [-t is_toplevel] [-W width] [-N height] [-S square_size] [win_type]


This command is used to open a display window. The set of supported window types includes X and ogl. It should be noted that attach no longer releases previously attached display windows (i.e., multiple attaches are supported). To destroy a display window, use the release command.


These examples demonstrate the use of the attach command to open ogl and X display windows.

Example 1. Opening an ogl display window

mged> attach ogl

Opens an ogl display window named .dm_ogl0 (assuming this is the first ogl display window opened using the default naming scheme)

mged attach ogl

Opens an ogl display window named .dm_ogl1.

mged>attach -n myOgl -W 720 -N 486 ogl

Opens a 720 x 486 OpenGL display window named myOgl.

mged>attach -n myX -d remote_host:0 -i myInitX

Open an X display window named myX on remote_host that is initialized by myInit.

myInit might contain user-specified bindings like those found in the default bindings.


A top-level window named .t was created.

mged>attach -t 0 -S 800 -n .t.ogl ogl

Opens a 800 x 800 OpenGL display window named .t.ogl that is not a top-level window.

mged>button .t.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "release .t.ogl; destroy .t"

Creates a button that dismisses the display manager, etc.

mged>pack .t.ogl -expand 1 -fill both

Packs the display manager inside .t.

mged>pack .t.dismiss

Packs the Dismiss button inside .t.


Lists the help message that includes the valid display types.




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