Sends an mged mouse (i.e., defaults to a middle mouse button) event. The first argument indicates whether the event should be a button press (1) or release (0). The xpos and ypos arguments specify the mouse position in mged screen coordinates between -2047 and +2047. With the default bindings, an mged mouse event while in the viewing mode moves the view so that the point currently at screen position (xpos,ypos) is repositioned to the center of the mged display (compare to the center command). The M command may also be used in other editing modes to simulate an mged mouse event.
Translate the point at specified screen coordinates to the center of the display.
Example 1. Translate the point at screen coordinates (100,100) to the center of the mged display.
M 1 100 100
The point at screen coordinates (100,100)is repositioned to the center of the display.
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