
burst_point_library — Data output by the burst-file command from the burst tool.


Burst point library files are composed of single-line records. Each line begins with a digit that identifies the type of record it represents. The file is composed of one or more runs that begin with a run header. Each shotline that intersects the target will result in a shotline header that is followed by one or more shotline intersection records. If a burst point occurs along a shotline, the burst ray header will immediately follow that shotline's last intersection record. Each burst ray header records will be immediately followed by burst ray intersection records, one for each ray that strikes a critical component.

Table 1. Burst Point Library File Format

Record DescriptionField FormatField Description
run header'1'record number 1
 1x,f9.4attack azimuth (degrees)
 1x,f8.4attack elevation (degrees)
 1x,f5.2burst distance
 1x,f10.2projected area associated with burst point
 1x,6aunits (mm,cm,inches,feet,meters)
 1x,f9.6ray solid angle (steradians)
shotline header'2'record number 2
 1x,f8.3Y' coordinate of shotline
 1x,f8.3Z' coordinate of shotline
shotline intersections'3'record number 3
 1x,f8.2X' coordinate of component intersection
 1x,f8.2line-of-sight thickness of component
 1x,i4component code number
 1x,i2space code
 1x,f7.3sine of fallback angle of exit normal
 1x,f7.2rotation angle of exit normal (degrees)
 1x,f7.3cosine of obliquity angle at entry
 1x,a1burst flag ('1' for yes, '0' for no)
burst ray header'4'record number 4
 1x,f8.3azimuth angle WRT shotline (radians)
 1x,f8.3sine of elevation angle WRT shotline
 1x,i6sequential ray number for this burst point
burst ray intersections'5'record number 5
 1x,f10.3distance to first contact with component
 1x,f9.3line-of-sight thickness of component
 1x,f9.3normal thickness of component
 1x,i4space code
 ix,i4component code number
 ix,f6.3cosine of obliquity angle at entry






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