ir-X — reads the file created by showtherm and draws a picture on the screen, in an X-windows environment, giving an appropriate color to each pixel based on the temperature
ir-X is an interactive program that reads the information in the file created by showtherm and then draws an image on the screen. The color of each pixel is based on the temperature of the region that pixel belongs to.
ir-X is designed to be run in an X-windows environment.
The following is an example from an interactive session.
$ ir-X
Enter name of file to be read (26 char max)
Indicate type of color shading to use.
0 - gray
1 - red
2 - black-blue-cyan-green-yellow-white
3 - black-blue-magenta-red-yellow-white
Do you wish to create a pix file (0-no, 1-yes)?
Zeroing color info array - finished zeroing.
Setting up color scale - shades of gray - finished.
Reading file - file read.
Width: 512
Height: 512
Finding min & max.
Minimum: 22.590000
Maximum: 46.830000
Finding pixel bins - found pixel bins.
Putting color info in arrays - color info in arrays.
firpass(1), secpass(1), shapefact(1), all_sf(1), showtherm(1), ir-sgi(1), pictx(1), pictsgi(1), User's Manual for IRPREP (BRL-SP-96), Computer Programs for Generating an Input File for PRISM and Displaying PRISM Results (BRL report in progress)