BRL-CAD Release 5.0 New Libraries
In addition to many capabilities that are new to release 5.0,
a substantial portion of the functionality
previously existing in mged
(1) and librt
has been broken out
and reorganized into various of the new libraries,
which are summarized below.
- libbn
General-purpose numerical and mathematical computation.
Includes complex-number, matrix, and vector math;
support for quaternions, random numbers, and wavelet operations;
and more.
- libbu
General-purpose software engineering utilities.
Includes support for
- magic numbers for data structures
- bit vectors
- color specifications
- memory management with run-time diagnostic capabilities
- parallel-safe programming
- red-black (balanced binary) tree data structure
- multiple units of measurement
- variable-length strings
among other capabilities.
- libdm
Display-manager routines from mged
Includes support for
- X windows
- Open GL
- PostScript
among others.
- libmultispectral
Material shader for IR (and other) bands.
- liboptical
Various material shaders for synthesizing ray-traced rendered images
in the visible.
- libpng
Support for the portable network graphics (PNG) image format.
This is the library available from
the PNG web site
- libz
Data compression.
Support for gzip
(1), etc.
This is the zlib
(3) library available from
the zlib web site
BRL-CAD Release 5.0 Release Notes