What's New in BRL-CAD Release 5.0?


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Table of Contents

What's New in BRL-CAD Release 5.0?

Major New Features of BRL-CAD 5.0


Benefits of Tcl/Tk

Tclifying BRL-CAD? Applications

Tcl/Tk-based GUI for MGED

Example of Gluing Applications Together: Interfacing BRL-CAD and MUVES

New Utilities

New Utilities, cont.

New Utilities, cont.


Major New Features of MGED for 5.0

Major New Features of MGED for 5.0, cont.

BRL-CAD Projection Shader

BRL-CAD Projection Shader

BRL-CAD Projection Shader

BRL-CAD Projection Shader

BRL-CAD Projection Shader

BRL-CAD Projection Shader

Author: BRL-CAD Developers (Paul J. Tanenbaum)

Email: devs@brlcad.org

BRL-CAD Release 5.0 Release Notes