Routines for command processing, network byte order conversion, sorting algorithms, time, endian support, units, etc. More...

Collaboration diagram for Data Management:


 Data Conversion
 Routines to translate data formats.
 Mime Types
 Functions generated by the mime.cmake script - see the generated files mime.c and mime_types.h for the resulting C code and mime type declarations.
 Histogram Handling
 General purpose histogram handling routines.
 Sorting Algorithms
 Platform-independent re-entrant version of qsort.
 Endian Support
 Run-time byte order detection.
 Time Support
 Cross platform wrapper for microsecond accuracy timing functionality.
 Compatibility routines to various string processing functions including strlcat and strlcpy.
 Module of libbu to handle units conversion between strings and mm.

Detailed Description

Routines for command processing, network byte order conversion, sorting algorithms, time, endian support, units, etc.

Routines for generating UUIDs, names, etc.