This directory contains reports that: * Use BRL-CAD/GIFT/MAGIC/COMGEOM/etc. in some application. * Describe related areas of technology (such as the 1986 report about modeling projectile geometry.) * Document more generally the history of BRL or ARL. * Relate in some other fashion to the history of BRL-CAD but don't fit cleanly into the MAGIC, GIFT or BRL-CAD "bins." This directory is intended to be inclusive, but for reports that don't obviously fit into one of the above categories a note should be added below so users know what features of interest were responsible for the report being added. * 1918-07 Instructions for Training of the Tank Corps in France Potentially relevant to the proposed student project to model the Mark VIII tank. * 1945-01 Summary of Airfoil Data NACA-TR-824 Potentially relevant for a project to generate wing shapes from NACA specifications. * 1947-05 Airplane Vulnerability and Overall Armament Effectiveness Early BRL airplane V/L study, has a number of detailed airplane drawings toward the back of the report. Mostly interesting as part of the early background work at BRL. * 1974-09 Development of a computer program to obtain ordinates for NACA-6 and 6A-series airfoils NASA-TM-X-3069 Potentially relevant for a project to generate wing shapes from NACA specifications. * 1984-02 The Multiple Device Queueing System Report by original architect of BRL-CAD * 1987-03 Exploiting Symmetries in the Modeling and Analysis of Tires NASA-TP-2649 Report collected as reference material for the tire procedural modeling tool. * 1988-03 Anthropometric Survey Used as part of a student project for procedural creation of human models with varying sizes. * 1989-03 Final Report - Missile Geometry Package Contains an early evaluation of the Ballistic Research Laboratory's CAD package by CAC * 1997-03 Airblast Loading Model for DYNA2D and DYNA3D Not currently CAD related, but a useful public test case if we were to hook in something like VegaFEM into BRL-CAD.