User:Pulkit Mittal/GSOC2014/Midterm


Making Step Libraries Thread Safe[edit]

Brief Progess Report[edit]

I have been working on making the Step Libraries thread safe as a part of Google Summer of Code program. The libraries which I have targeted are (in the following order)

  • cllazyfile
  • clstepcore
  • cleditor
  • cldai

I am done with making cllazyfile thread safe. I also have covered around 6K lines of codes of clstepcore library.

Considering the fact cllazyfile, cleditor & cldai all contain on avg ~3K lines of code and clstepcore contains ~17K lines of code. It can be safely said that I am 35% done with the thread safe objective. Its clear that I am lagging behind (ideally it should have been around 50%), but my progress is not disappointing either.

Work Done[edit]

Most work uptill now has been done by using a (Test-Driven Development) TDD approach. Under this approach I create a test first and in it invoke the features I wish to make thread-safe. Sometimes the classes / functions are very small or the change require to make them thread-safe is trivial. In such cases to save time I don't follow the TDD approach and I directly jump to the development part.

Testing Methodology[edit]

Each of my unit test checks multiple features of a class for thread-safety. For a particular feature, the unit test typically consist of 3 parts.

  1. An instance of the class is created. The feature/s (same or different) to be checked are called twice in serial manner.
  2. Another instance of the class is created. This time the feature/s (same or different) to be checked are called in parallel by different threads, with the same load as in step 1. The load is kept-heavy so that the operations by the two threads overlap in time domain.
  3. Both instances are compared for any disparity. Harmless differences like order of occurrence, of various entities inside the data structures, are ignored. For checking the internal data structures, already available public API's are used. However wherever needed new API's have also been created for this purpose.

The step 2 & 3 are repeated multiple times. If a disparity is found it is immediately reported and the check fails.

Development Methodology[edit]

The features which were targeted were the public APIs. e.g. For cllazyfile library the functions of the class lazyInstMgr were targeted as it was the only class which was meant to be visible to the user of that library. The code changes can be roughly divided into 2 parts.


This part mainly consist of code refactoring. These changes by themselves do not make the code thread safe, however they make the job of making code thread safe much easier. No mutex (or equivalent) is invoked in this part. Couple of examples where I needed preprocessing are:

  • gennodelist and gennode classes: This link-list structure was difficult to make thread-safe in its original form. This was because an operation on one node could change the state of another node. The classes were modified so that a node could modify state of another node only through its parent list.
  • ExpDict.h/.cc/ files: These contain multiple classes which were similar and not thread-safe. Hence another class was created which would contain all the features and act as superclass. Now only this new superclass was needed to be made thread safe. Lot of duplicated code was removed this way.

A feature could be thread-unsafe due to the following reasons.

  1. It does file I/O.
  2. It modifies the state of a thread-unsafe data structure / counter.
  3. It modifies the state of multiple data structures / counters which should be consistent at all time.
  4. It provides a reference to a read unsafe data structure to the user.

For 1. & 3. the only way out was using fat lock. For 2. I had an option of using a fat-lock or making the structure itself thread safe. I chose the latter in cases where many classes were taking dependency on the same data-structure. Structures described in 4. were found in cllazyfile library. Whenever such a feature was invoked, clones of that data structure were made.

For locking either a std::mutex or a std::recursive_mutex was used. The changes also included invoking the HAVE_STD_THREADS macro in the cmake files.

The Grey Area[edit]

I started this project with literally no knowledge of cmake files. But in-order to compile my changes I had to modify some of the existing cmake files. Unlike my C++ coding, I am not very confident about these modifications. They should be looked into carefully in future before merging the branches.

Amount of Coding Done[edit]

I regularly commit my code to hj/thread-safety branch in the github repository. One can see my changes here. In short I have modified / added 43 files, done 1949 additions and 622 deletions. About 1100 of the additions are due to new unit tests. To see my daily logs do visit

The Other Works[edit]

Apart from participating in GSOC this year I am also doing the following work.

  • M-Tech Project: I also started M.Tech Project this summer. I am continuing the work started by a senior. In order to prevent my work from getting monotonous I switch back and forth between my M.Tech Project and GSOC Project (giving 85% of the time to the latter). I will have a kick-off meeting on July, 3rd with the company which is funding my project.
  • TA'ship: Since I was staying in the college for summers, I opted for being a TA in one of the summer courses. Its a nice experience. However the TAship duties demand 4-5 hrs of my working time on Wednesdays. The summer course will end by July, 10.