
Revision as of 15:57, 30 April 2015 by Dracarys983 (talk | contribs)

GSoC 2015 Profile

1. Introduction

1.1 Personal Details

Name : Kalpit Thakkar
IRC : dracarys983
Email address :
Timezone : UTC +0530

Off the record : I love reading fiction & mystery, sketching and playing Football. My favorite English Football Club is Manchester United.

1.2 Project Details

Project Title : Object Oriented C++ Geometry API
Project Mentor : Daniel Roßberg

2. Project Description

2.1 Project Abstract

This project aims at improving BRL-CAD’s Geometry Engine (which provides a clean and easy to use API for BRL-CAD's libraries and binaries) - by adding functionalities to the present primitive classes in the core C++ interface. The project is divided into two parts :

  1. Adding functions for finding Volume and Centroid of the primitives
  2. Adding functions for finding Surface Area of the primitives

2.2 Detailed Project description

You can find the link to the proposal here.

3. Other Information

3.1 Development Logs

There is a constant log of what is done till now in my project and you can find it here. The logs have been broken down into three pages : pre Community bonding period, Community bonding period and Coding period.