
Revision as of 16:28, 28 March 2011 by Erik (talk | contribs) (fix link)

NetMsg Generic Templates

The GSNet API provides several Template classes to be used or extended from.

NetMsg MsgTypes

Some NetMsgs will need to have custom bodies. Here is a list of NetMsgs, their related MsgTypes, and links to details on that specific NetMsg:

NOTE: This list is *NOT* up-to-date as of 3.25.11

TODO: Replace this with Doxy files

MsgType ID Name Parent Class Additional Info
0x0042 RUALIVE TypeOnlyMsg
0x0043 IMALIVE TypeOnlyMsg
0x0050 Failure GenericOneByteMsg 1 byte 'error code'
0x0051 Success GenericOneByteMsg 1 byte 'success code'
0x0060 PING GenericEightByteMsg 8 byte time stamp for start time
0x0062 PONG GenericEightByteMsg 8 byte time stamp for start time
0x0100 GS Remote Nodename Set GenericOneStringMsg String is the Nodename
0x0150 Disconnect Request TypeOnlyMsg
0x0200 New Node on Network GenericOneStringMsg String is the Nodename
0x0250 Full Nodename List Request Not Implemented Yet
0x0255 Full Nodename List Not Implemented Yet
0x0300 New Session Request NetMsg Two strings, username and password
0x0305 Session Information NetMsg One string, the session UUID
0x0400 Geometry Request GenericOneStringMsg Has additional custom fields.
0x0405 Geometry Manifest NetMsg
0x0410 Geometry Chunk GenericMultiByteMsg