

Dev Log

(newest first)

  • 27 May:
    • Learnt about arbalest QMainWindow but only by far, I covered Menu bar. I found all the QAction * buttons are missing icons but code was already written to set icons for each QPushButtons *. So I opened an issue. I will work on it tomorrow.
    • I also created a pull request for minor changes to main.cpp of arbalest.
    • I will cover Central Widget of arbalest which is the most important of this project because this is the area where the mouse support feature will be added. I will try to cover it from tomorrow during this community bonding period. Here an outline is taken from Qt docs of QMainWindow just for reference:
      QMainWindow Outline
  • 26 May
    • Created workspace where I built brlcad and rt-cubed. Set path for Qt 5.14.2 so that arbalest could be run to check if it is running without errors.