BRL-CAD (Org ID 4884012200361984) Task ID 6548987864154112 | Task Definition ID 4605274342555648 Max instances: 2 Title: Remove throw statements from BRL-CAD's C++ core interface (G - M) Description: Dynamic exception specifications are deprecated in C++11, and the GNU C compiler warns about them. This results in a flood of messages during the compilation run. In this task you shall remove the *throw* statements in the code related to the header files * globals.h * Halfspace.h * HyperbolicCylinder.h * Hyperboloid.h * MemoryDatabase.h In preparation, you have to compile and Install BRL-CAD from latest source code and compile coreinterface from BRL-CAD's rt^3 module. There are own tasks for this. Create a patch file with your changes and **SUBMIT** it to the GCi task. Tags: experimental features, c++ Categories: Coding, Quality Assurance Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,, Student: H1manshu (ID 6601728653262848) Status: COMPLETED (2019-12-13 00:57:23) Last modified: 2019-12-10 21:33:38