Model a planetary gear set in 3D using BRL-CADBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 100 hrs Mentors: Kesha Shah, Jacob BTags: artwork, model, gear, 3d

This task involves modeling a planetary gear set in BRL-CAD. The gear set should be accurately modeled in such a way that it can be printed using a 3D printer. This means that the model should have no overlaps (use rtcheck and/or g_qa gqa commands to verify) and will probably consist of five or more regions (one for each planetary gear and the casing). Create one top-level combination to group your regions.

The output of this task would be a rendered image and .g file of the model.


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Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
plg.g114.4 KBDecember 30 2014 22:12 UTC
gear_sketch.png13.1 KBDecember 30 2014 22:12 UTC
gear_isom.PNG287.2 KBDecember 30 2014 22:13 UTC
gear_isom2.PNG309.7 KBDecember 30 2014 22:13 UTC
circle_skript.py1.9 KBDecember 30 2014 22:14 UTC
triangular teeth.py1.2 KBDecember 30 2014 22:14 UTC
test1(triangle).PNG206.7 KBDecember 30 2014 22:14 UTC
test2(circle).PNG112.0 KBDecember 30 2014 22:15 UTC
Raptoron December 28 2014 19:53 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Raptoron December 28 2014 22:02 UTCHow to write a script?

Iwrote the code-findingcenterscoordinategearteeth.

Here it is:

from math import *

R = float(input('input R:'))
n = int(input('input the number of tooths:'))
X, Y = (str(input('input center gear x y')).split(' '))
a = 0

coord = []
for r in range(n):
    x, y, a = str(round(sin(radians(a)) * R + float(X),2)), str(round(cos(radians(a)) * R + float(Y),2)), a + (360 // n)
    coord.append(str(x)+' '+str(y))



How todo itfroma scriptthat createsthe teethwith these coordinates?

Raptoron December 28 2014 22:05 UTCOr if you do not understand

How to makea scriptthat createsthe teethwith these coordinates?
programming language - python

Deepak on December 28 2014 22:14 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Raptor. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Raptoron December 30 2014 22:15 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Raptoron December 30 2014 22:28 UTCAbout this this work


It was interesting todo the job.To do this,I created acodetoPython, whichcalculates the coordinates ofthe centersof the circles, trianglesvertex points. This similarityof the script), its main purpose-tilingcircleshapesby modifyingthe codewill bezamoschatanyfigures.) Butthe Problemis thatthis is nota script. is there anydocumentation oncreating scriptsforBRL-CAD?through thesecommentsis difficult toask you questionswhether there is adedicatedgroup?

Sean on December 31 2014 04:39 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Sean on December 31 2014 04:46 UTCabove and beyond

Raptor, this is exceptional work!  Please send me e-mail (contest at brlcad dot org) to make sure we get you credit for your scripts as a separate/additional task.  There is documentation on creating scripts for BRL-CAD:

See SGI_Cube for an example in shell and mged scripting, Spiral for an example in perl.  We also have a variety of examples in C in our repository.

As for asking questions, it's best to either join our brlcad-devel mailing list or our #brlcad IRC group chat channel.  If you've never used IRC before, check out on how to download an IRC client and how to get set up.

This really is fantastic work.  Note that there are several programming/modeling tasks that are just like what you did here, where you write a program in any language of your choosing to achieve some 3D modeling objective.


Sean on January 8 2015 08:56 UTCfollow-on task

A follow-on task to get credit for your scripts has been posted:

Thanks for your awesome work!

Raptoron January 8 2015 09:42 UTCOther works by using a script

I've also done with a script