Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributorsBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 100 hrs Mentors: Sean, Jacob B, IshwerdasTags: web, javascript, js, html, design, css

BRL-CAD wants to encourage new developers and give credit to existing ones. A page on the wesbsite that gives details on the core contributors can help new developers learn the community and encouraging their participation.

We are interested in seeing concepts for what this page will look like. Concepts should be consistent with our existing (new) website design which you can see at or

The task is to design a web based hall of fame where we'll be able to itemize each core developer with biographic information (e.g., their name, IRC nick and types of contributions they've made).

You may use any language or technology, (e.g., HTML+CSS, Javascript, WP plugin, etc), but a working webpage mockup is preferred. Submit your design in a raw editable form. Include a PNG screenshot of the design along with your editable files.

Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
https://brl-cad-project-waterwings181.c9.i...n/aDecember 10 2014 04:06 UTC
code.docx902.6 KBDecember 10 2014 04:15 UTC
index.html11.5 KBDecember 12 2014 07:06 UTC
contributor_bios.html2.8 KBDecember 12 2014 07:06 UTC
main.css2.8 KBDecember 12 2014 07:07 UTC
m.jpg88.6 KBDecember 12 2014 07:08 UTC
m2.jpg76.0 KBDecember 12 2014 07:09 UTC
frame.png19.1 KBDecember 12 2014 07:09 UTC
w.jpg89.5 KBDecember 12 2014 07:09 UTC
w2.jpg114.3 KBDecember 12 2014 07:09 UTC
brl_cad_project-3.tar880.0 KBDecember 12 2014 14:10 UTC
brl_cad_project-4.tar1.7 MBDecember 14 2014 04:42 UTC
Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 5 2014 23:39 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Jacob B on December 6 2014 00:15 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Olivia Orrell-Jones. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Melange on December 9 2014 04:15 UTCTask due soon

There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.

Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 10 2014 04:15 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Melange on December 10 2014 04:15 UTCNo more Work can be submitted

Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.

Sean on December 10 2014 05:49 UTCDeadline extended

The deadline of the task has been extended with 2 days and 2 hours.

Sean on December 10 2014 05:49 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Sean on December 10 2014 05:58 UTCthis looks great but...

Olivia, this is a nice overview page!  I like how you based it off of our AUTHORS file contents, though the prose needs to be simplified a bit more for web display.  The pop-up information when you scroll over names is very nice too, innovative.

The questions I have are 1) how you'd expand the page with additional categories of contributors (there's only one or two names that would fall under Project Administrator)? and  how would you propose the page should work if javascript is disabled?  We can't rely on the pop-up so there has to be some other way to get at that information (perhaps clicking on their face is intended to go to a page about them?).

Lastly, you submitted your work as a word document containing screenshots of your html and css code (!) ... please just zip up your files and submit those.   We certainly wouldn't want to type in everything you screenshot by hand... :)


Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 11 2014 06:53 UTC

Okay! Thank you for the advice and the extension! I'll work on creating links for the bios of each contributor in case javascript is disabled, but for now I made a couple other changes based on your suggestions. What do you think? (You can use the same link that I submitted) Also, what do you mean by simplifying the prose?

Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 12 2014 03:09 UTC

Almost done, just one final question: what do you mean when you say to simplify the prose?

Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 12 2014 07:10 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Melange on December 12 2014 07:49 UTCNo more Work can be submitted

Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.

Ishwerdas on December 12 2014 10:06 UTC

Hey Olivia,
Can you please upload the entire code in a zip / .tar.gz format or may be on github ? and does the provided link contain the latest work of yours ? 

Ishwerdas on December 12 2014 10:06 UTCDeadline extended

The deadline of the task has been extended with 0 days and 20 hours.

Ishwerdas on December 12 2014 10:06 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 12 2014 14:09 UTC

Yes, the first link contains my latest work. And I'll submit a tar.gz format right now.

Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 12 2014 14:10 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on December 12 2014 20:59 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Sean on December 12 2014 20:59 UTCDeadline extended

The deadline of the task has been extended with 2 days and 2 hours.

Sean on December 12 2014 21:03 UTCprose

Olivia, sorry for not replying sooner.  This is looking great.  The only bit is reducing the prose, which is all that text above the contributor circles.  You pulled those six paragraphs from our AUTHORS file, but I bet even you didn't read all that.. ;)

Especially on the web, less is more.  Can you try to shorted the text to the most important information.  For example, several bits of information in there aren't even relevant any more like names being sorted in chronological order and the entire 3rd paragraph.  I'm sure you won't have any trouble reducing it, just try to put care and thought into what is kept and what is removed.


Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 12 2014 23:26 UTCIs this shortened enough?

The BRL-CAD development team would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people and organizations who have contributed to make BRL-CAD the package it is today.

We strive to accurately and completely recognize the groups and individuals that have helped make BRL-CAD the package it is today. Contributors are grouped together and ordered chronologically with the earliest named first; likewise, the more recent contributors are listed at the bottom.

Names are optionally followed by the date of their first contribution and a list of affiliations. Individuals supporting and contributing to the project on their own time and of their own accord have an affiliation listed as "Open Source".

Gauravjeet Singh on December 13 2014 10:12 UTCyes

Yeah that would be fine.

Apart from that, it would be great, if you use the same header, the one given here

The code of this website can be found here

Olivia Orrell-Joneson December 14 2014 04:42 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Gauravjeet Singh on December 14 2014 16:08 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.