Fix errors in Hacking BRL-CAD bookBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 72 hrs Mentors: Daniel RossbergTags: docbook

BRL-CAD was selected to participate in the 2013 Google Summer of Code Doc Camp. A team of contributors got together in California, brainstormed, and wrote an entire book for BRL-CAD in just a few days. They created a guide for contributing to BRL-CAD.

The text of this guide was converted in DocBook XML format, from which other formats (HTML, PDF, man page, etc.) can be generated. So there is an XML file to generate the Hacking BRL-CAD book. But this file is missing all the structuring elements.

This task involves inserting all missing "chapter", "para" and "programlisting" tags into the XML file.


  • doc/docbook/books/en/BRL-CAD_Tutorial_Series-*.xml


  • doc/docbook/books/en/HACKING_BRL-CAD.xml
Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
hacking-previous.patch205.3 KBDecember 29 2013 07:57 UTC
hacking-currnet.patch236.3 KBDecember 29 2013 07:58 UTC
Chan Ho Junon December 25 2013 10:30 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Sean on December 25 2013 10:35 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Chan Ho Jun. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Chan Ho Junon December 25 2013 10:39 UTCMissing chapters and renamed chapters?

I've just skimmed through the xml file and I noticed there are some chapters missing. Those are: Getting Started, Developers, Documentors, Other Contributors. Also, there are two chapters that have similar names to the ones in the list: A Call to Arms -- A Call to Arms (and Contributors), Contributing Code -- How to Contribue. What should I do with these?

Chan Ho Junon December 28 2013 08:02 UTCduplicated task?

it seems i am working on a duplicated task that has already been solved. I've almost finished my task, but now I just realise I worked hard for nothing? Please reply :(

Melange on December 28 2013 10:35 UTCInitial Deadline passed

Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.

starseeker on December 29 2013 00:49 UTCPlease submit what you have as a patch from the sources you were working

We can always compare your approach to formatting to the existing one.

starseeker on December 29 2013 00:49 UTCDeadline extended

The deadline of the task has been extended with 0 days and 12 hours.

Chan Ho Junon December 29 2013 07:58 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Chan Ho Junon December 29 2013 07:59 UTCHere you go

I've uploaded two patches: one against the old file, and another against the current file.

Sean on December 29 2013 20:08 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Sean on December 29 2013 20:09 UTCgood work

There are a few issues like indenting the program listings and turning the build options into a set of paragraphs, but there was clearly a lot of work put into this effort.  Thank you!  We'll work on integrating some of your changes in with the current version next.